Sunday, 29 September 2013


This autumn I am making it my duty to bring back two fashions which I absolutely adore but I feel just don't get enough love... Mustard and tweed.

Mustard is one of those colours that is so ugly that it's nice- if that makes any sense? Mustard is a great colour for accessorizing with (my personal favourite being the classic mustard tights, but also looks great as hats/ scarves/ gloves) and it goes amazingly with denim- or tweed is you felt so inclined. Mustard also goes surprisingly well with beige cardigans or a moss-green colour, strangely, it is my personal opinion that ugly colours go stunningly together (I am really liking moss-green as a colour as well this year).

Something which I have always, always, always loved has been tweed shorts- I look for a pair every year but I have never been able to find the perfect ones until now. Johnnie B (Boden for teenagers) is a little pricey (£30 per pair of short) but the clothes are always such good quality and the shorts that I have got from there before have been so comfy that I simply can't not buy them! There are two pairs of tweed-look (probably not actual tweed but I don't mind that) shorts on the website and it breaks my heart that I can't buy both (damn teenage funds) but I have settled with the classic grey checked pair (there is also a beautiful red and beige very-very-grandfather-style in tiny checks) and I am buzzing to order them asap.

An autumn trend that I am loving this year and very grateful that it has been brought back into fashion, is tartan. Last year I purchased a tartan coat (£40- H&M) which I absolutely love and will hopefully last me at least two more years, and I see nothing wrong with pairing tartan with more tartan. You can't go wrong with a tartan scarf or skirt, but I have also always loved the idea of pairing a tartan coat with tartan creeper shoes- the more tartan the better! (Tartan is becoming a really strange word now I need to stop typing it). On a side note if I am wearing tartan is has to be red- green tartan is okay for a scarf but nothing bigger.

So this autumn I will be wearing:
-Tartan coat (last year- £40 from H&M)
-Tweed shorts (Johnnie B at Boden- £30)
-Mustard tights (£3.99 from H&M)
-Moss-green beanie- not complete without a pom-pom of course(!)- (£17.99, Accessorize)
-And my Harry Potter Gryffindor scarf- couldn't resist it, my whole family each has a different one, sad, I know, but I really couldn't care less!

At some point I hope to do a autumn-into-winter-this-year-and-last-year-accessories post, but we will see about how well that will actually work...

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