Sunday, 9 March 2014


When I was in my local large shopping centre in February half term I came across a Model's Own makeup pop-up store. After I purchased a beautiful pastel mint nail varnish called 'Apple Pie' (£5 in Boots or Superdrug) I was also given a free eyeliner. Now I'm not normally one for using free eyeliners etc. as I have very sensitive eyes but I couldn't resist this one...

I guarantee at some stage in everybody's life they have owned some form of blue eye makeup to heighten the idea that they are 'cool' and 'so very very random'. For me, it was the year 9 (age 13-14) cheap blue mascara that clumped your eyelashes together and made me the butt of my Uncle's jokes when I wore it to Pizza Express (but it was okay because I was confident in my 'randomness' and I also only wore it about twice because it was horrible). BUT NOW it is time to go back to my blue eyeshadow roots (who didn't own blue eyeshadow that they slapped thickly across their eyelids like a hooker when they were younger?) but this time trade it in for a metallic blue eyeliner. Bye bye black, it is time for blue (please, black, no, obviously I will still be wearing you most of the time).

Basically my experiment here is will I look like an alien/twat when I wear blue metallic eyeliner or will I actually be able to pull it off? Watch this space*.
Comes with a smudger thingy and the lid has a sharpener

*I can confirm that, while I haven't worn it out to see if I look like a twat, the eyeliner is actually not that noticeable from a far distance and it looks like I'm not wearing any unless you go up close.

Models Own Shimmer Eyeliner Pencil in Azure Blue- £4 in Boots

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