Sunday, 4 January 2015

HELLO 2015

Hello there and welcome 2015.

I thought I'd start with a round-up of 2014 like everyone else. In terms of resolutions I really stuck to my reading one and rekindled by love of books, which I'm really pleased about. It wasn't one of my 2014 resolutions, but I did a lot of new things in 2014 that the idea of terrified me, but have all worked out for the best and I feel really happy about them all.

I had the best three weeks of the past two years at the start of December. We had a rocky end to 2014 from Christmas Eve onwards and a rocky start to 2015, but that's (hopefully) done and dusted and all in the past.

There are a lot of things to look forward to in 2015, my Great Uncle is appearing on TV later in this month which we're all really excited about, and I start my university application at the end of this year (a year later than I was supposed to but ho hum what're you gonna do).

My New Years Resolutions for 2015 are as follows:

Wear less nail varnish
My nails aren't in that great condition and I want to give them a break.

Read 30 books
I probably read that many last year but I like keeping track of things.

Write one line a day
I really love this concept. You write one line every day in a journal and you can do it for multiple years to compare what you were doing on that day each year.

Exercise more
This was a resolution that I didn't stick to last year. I want to exercise more to become fitter, healthier and to tone up.

Make more of an effort to see friends
Because when I see them I realise how much I've missed them and I need to be the one to make the effort instead of relying on them.

Expand on blog content
I'd like to change up my blog content a bit and many write more on things such as books, music and films (maybe), as well as what I'd previously been writing.

Pass my driving test
I had a break from my driving because I really, really hate it, but it's something I need to do.

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