Friday, 18 December 2015


I'd like to start this post with a little disclaimer. This is my own personal opinion. In no way do I mean to be rude or offend anyone, this is just my feelings on the matter at present. My opinion may change, there are many things and book series that I once had no interest in but have now read and highly enjoyed. But right now these are 5 popular book series that I have no interest in ever reading.

1. The Mortal Instruments - Cassandra Clare
I've never had any interest in this series and I don't think I ever will; it's far too long and it always kind of annoys me when people add extra books to series that should've been finished (like with this series). My brother read the first book years ago and he's always said that it's not worth reading; I also think it's a case of ageing and reading preferences changing. I am fairly interested in the sound of the Infernal Devices Trilogy, the prequel trilogy to this series, and I'd consider giving that ago but I just don't see myself ever reading the Mortal Instruments.

2. The Lunar Chronicles - Marissa Meyer
Like all the series here, this book series is immensely popular. As of yet, I am not entirely convinced that I will never read it, I haven't yet made up my mind. My main problem with this series is that sci-fi just doesn't appeal to me all that much. It has to be a pretty spectacular sci-fi for me to read and enjoy it; it's a genre that I'd like to like, but I struggle to. I do like retellings a lot, and the hype around this series is making me consider changing my mind, but I'm not convinced that it's something that would interest me.

3. Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi 
There is basically nothing about the premise of this trilogy that appeals to me; no matter how many people tell me it's amazing, I can just never see myself wanting to read it. The idea of superpowers in non-superheroes books doesn't appeal to me and I am convinced that I will never read it.

4. Outlander - Diana Gabaldon 
I read the first book in the Outlander series earlier in the year, and I'm so disappointed to say that I hated it. It was so slow and long and boring and I had such high expectations that have been completely let down. I'm definitely not going to be carrying on with this series ever (it's something crazy like 8 books as well, ain't nobody got time for that), but the TV show is really good and I'd recommend watching that.

5. Mara Dyer - Michelle Hodkin 
There are two reasons why I don't think I'll ever read the Mara Dyer trilogy. Firstly, the premise does not appeal to me at all, it doesn't look like anything I'd enjoy and I don't think I'd like it. Secondly, I've heard great things about the first two books, but I've heard that the ending of the third (and final) book is one of the biggest disappointments of all time (I may be over-exaggerating here, but I've heard awful things about the third book). I don't see the point of getting involved in a series that I know is going to end badly, what would be the point?


  1. I'll agree with you on these, Mortal Instruments especially. I read the first 2-3 books (I can't remember now) and I was fed up with the angsty teenage drama. By the time she got to the more supernatural elements (angels, demons, etc.), I was done.

    The others are just series I haven't investigated much.

    1. I agree with you completely on the angstyteenage drama thing, why must book characters be so difficult?! I'm not all that into agels, demons, etc. either x
