Sunday, 31 January 2016


Hello and welcome to my first reading wrap up of 2016! In 2016 I am aiming to read at least 50 books, my Goodreads challenge is set to 50 but I'm hoping to surpass that again. In January I read 7 books without realising it, which I think is a good start to the year. I'm also 214 pages through 'The Bronze Horseman' (on Kindle). In 2016 I'm planning on reading a lot of new things that I wouldn't normally pick up (which I've already started this month), and I'm excited to see where the rest of the year takes me.

Books Read: 

1. 'I Capture the Castle'- Dodie Smith
I started reading this book in December, but it's a very slow read and so I finished it at the start of this month (this annoyed me, I wanted to end 2015 on a complete and finished book). I have started reading this book multiple times over the years, but it's very slow and I never got into the story so I never finished it. I finally decided that it was high time I read this book the whole way through, and I was determined to do so. Once you can finally get into this book, it's quite good, it didn't wow me, but I enjoyed it. This book is okay, it's not the worst thing I've ever read, but it's so slow and I think that's what brings it down for me.

2. 'Watchmen'- Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
I rarely read graphic novels, but this one has really put me in the mood to read more. This graphic novel was great, it's definitely not a cheerful, nice, suitable-for-young-people story, but I really enjoyed it. I love Watchmen, I've been intrigued ever since I first saw the film trailer years ago, the story was great, the artwork was great, overall top notch.

3. 'I am Malala'- Malala Yousafzai
There is no doubt about it, Malala is an incredible person. I was a little apprehensive going into this book, there's a lot (a LOT) of history and politics that I wasn't sure I'd enjoy, but I really loved every second of this book, it was so interesting and it's got me wanting to read way more non-fiction about more serious topics. This book made me realise how ignorant I was about all these awful things happening all over the world (in my defence, I was too young for it all), and what I hadn't realised is that Malala and her father had done so much campaigning work throughout their lives and were already so well known, even before they became more widely known about in the Western world. The book stops not long after the shooting and all the medical treatment, but I would have really liked to read more about all the things she's done afterwards; I'm just hoping that one day she'll write a second book. Highly, highly recommend.

4. 'Anna and the French Kiss'- Stephanie Perkins
I only read this book in December, but I absolutely loved it and was itching to read it again. Again, I loved it, it's a lovely story with fantastic characters and I just have a great time with it every time.

5. 'Welcome to Night Vale'- Joesph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor
Since the start of January I have started listening to the Welcome to Night Vale podcast and I am completely and utterly obsessed. Obviously, I had to read this book as soon as possible. I'm sad to say that I was slightly disappointed with this book, it was obviously as excellent, weird and genius as the podcast, but it didn't wow me in the same way the podcast did. I think what makes Night Vale so special is the actual listening experience, so I am planning on listening to the audio book of this as well at some point, which I think I should have done from the beginning. Night Vale is very close to my heart and I would definitely recommend this book to any fans of the podcast (listen to the podcast before you read it, though).

6. 'The Year of Reading Dangerously'- Andy Miller
This book. Holy shit. This book. I borrowed this off my dad to read on my way to work when I didn't want to bring my Kindle on the tube. This book has literally changed my life. I've had a full-blown epiphany about books and what I do and don't want to read anymore. I feel like it's caused me to grow up in the space of less than a week. I'm so obsessed, if you love books then please read this book, I'm desperately trying to get everyone to read it. The basic premise of this book is Andy Miller trying to get back into reading, starting with all the classics he's claimed to have read but never has and working his way up from there. The book is some of Miller's thoughts on the 50 books he read in that first year. Obviously, I loved this book, Andy Miller is hilarious, a genius, a mastermind of words, and it's just so, so real and relatable; he's managed to persuade me to read so many new old books (and non-fiction). This is the ultimate book about books. I'd highly, highly recommend it to anyone who loves books and reading. I love it so much I can't comprehensively write my thoughts on it.

7. 'Fair Play'- Tove Jansson
I've read all of Tove Jansson's Moomin books, but this is the first time I've ever read one of her books not written for children. If I'm being honest here (which I'm going to be), I just didn't get this book. It was a nice, really well written collection of short stories about two old friends (in both senses of the word 'old'), but the stories didn't connect or flow and, in all honesty, I didn't understand it. There's nothing wrong with not understanding books, some books are nice, but they're just not for everyone.


Friday, 15 January 2016


I've already started making a list of things I want to read in 2016, and it's already around 40 books long. I was going to title this '16 books I want to read in 2016', but I'm cheating a bit and including most things as groups or series (or remainders of series), and a few individual things.

1. Finish the 'Game of Thrones' Series
I've been reading this series for years, but they're all around 800 pages each, and it's a true investment to start reading them; on average it takes me about two months of slow reading and reading other things to finish each book. I only have two (published) books left to read, and I want to read them both during 2016.

2. Finish the 'Anne of Green Gables' Series
Anne of Green Gables is my favourite series of all time, but I've only ever read up to the third book. I re-read the first three books in 2015 so now I'm all caught up and ready to finish the series. In 2016, I want to read the final three books in the series, and then maybe read the spin-off books next year. I'm definitely going to finish it over the next few years (that seems like a long way away) and it's going to be a job well done.

3. More Graphic Novels
I've always quite liked graphic novels and I definitely want to get into them more. My most specific ones of read right now are ones by Alan Moore. I'm currently reading 'Watchmen' and I have 'V for Vendetta', and I also want to read 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen'. I'm also really interested in Noelle Stevenson's work, and I want to read 'Nimona' and 'Lumberjanes' at some point too.

4. More Fiction for Adults
Obviously I love YA fiction, but I'm 18 now and I really want to broaden what I'm reading and read more fiction written for adults. I'm basically going into this blind, as all the books I hear about online are YA, but I'm looking forward to discovering new things and branching out more.

5. 'Illuminae'
I really, really want to read this book.

6. 'To Kill a Mockingbird'
I've had this book for years and it's absolutely awful but I've never read it. I've never even opened it. I really need to rectify this as it's getting embarrassing and my mother's been harassing me for years to read it, I'm definitely going to in 2016.

7. 'The Heroes of Olympus' Series
This is the spin-off series to the Percy Jackson series, which I read the whole of in 2015 and absolutely loved. I want to at least start this series this year, but I'm hoping to read the whole thing. I love Percy Jackson and I'm excited to see where the story goes.

8. 'And Then There Were None'
The BBC made a mini three-episode series of this book at the end of December that I was obsessed with. I loved it so much I'm absolutely dying to read the book, and I'm hoping to do so at some point in January. (This reminds me how obsessed I was with the mini series of 'Great Expectations' a few Christmases ago, which I definitely also need to read this year).

9. 'I am Malala'
I got this book for Christmas and Malala's story is such an incredible, horrific, inspiring one that I need to read it really soon.

10. 'Wolf Hall'
I loved the TV series of this that was on last January and February and I really wanted to read the book after I watched it. I started this around April last year, but I wasn't really feeling it at the time, so I put it down. I want to restart and finish this book, and then hopefully read the second one before the third book comes out. I also want to read more of Hilary Mantel's books, especially 'A Place of Greater Safety'.

11. The 'Poldark' Series
I read the first book in this series a couple of years ago and really, really enjoyed it. I loved the TV series that was remade of it, and it reminded me that I needed to read more of the series. I can't really remember what happened in the first book, so I need to read that one again, but I want to get a good start on this series during 2016 (it's a very long series, 14 books that my parents absolutely love).

12. 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' Trilogy
I've wanted to read this for quite a while now, I've heard nothing but good things from everyone who's read it. However, I was never allowed to read it as I was too young for it; this is the only book that my parents have ever expressly told me not to read. Now that I'm well over 18 and closer to 19, my dad is telling me to read it as soon as possible, and I'm going to take advantage of his enthusiasm.

13. 'Red Rising' and 'The Fey Man'
These are two books that I bought on my mum's Kindle nearly a year ago and still haven't got round to reading. It's high time I read them, and I should do it soon.

14. More Historical Fiction
I absolutely love historical fiction, I've always said that it's my favourite genre, and yet I never read enough of it. I don't know why, I enjoy more or less every historical fiction book I read, but I always get side-tracked by fantasy and forget to read historical. I'm definitely going to be reading more historical fiction in 2016, I've got quite a few lined up over the next few months and I'm looking forward to all of them.

15. More Non-Fiction
I've read a fair few autobiographies written by famous female actresses and comedians, but I want to read more serious non-fiction books. I'm currently reading 'I am Malala' (which I'm really enjoying) and it's got me thinking that I want to read more non-fiction on real-life, current, not-at-all-happy topics. I also maybe want to read some wider non-fiction books, and branch out a bit more from the usual biographies and autobiographies.

16. 'The Secret History'
Every time I look at my bookshelf and unread books, this is one that always jumps out to me and I feel like I should read it soon.


Monday, 11 January 2016


Hello, just a quick little bit here about a new thing known as Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday is something I want to introduce onto this blog, and it basically does what it says on the tin. On some Tuesdays, but not every Tuesday, I'll be uploading a 'Top Ten' list of something I like. These will have no theme, no set upload dates, but will be a simple list of my top ten favourites of certain things. That is all, expect the first one in February.


Wednesday, 6 January 2016


It's that time of year where we all make New Years resolutions and don't stick to them, so here are mine for the year of 2016.

1. Read 50 Books
Let's start with the reading goal, which is not technically a resolution. In 2015 I read 72 books, so I thought 50 was a reasonable goal for me to achieve. I'm hoping to read more than 50, but as I'm hopefully moving to university in September (fingers crossed), we'll see how much time I have after that.

2. Exercise More and Eat More Healthily
This is my main resolution, which it was last year as well, along with probably nearly every single other person. I'm getting a lot better at the healthy eating, I'm making a conscious effort to eat at least 3 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day, though that has gone slightly downhill over the Christmas holidays. I'm not good with the exercising thing, I don't enjoy it and mostly I can't be bothered. I'm well aware that I need to get fitter and to exercise more, and I'm really going to try hard at that this year.

3. Worry Less
My anxiety has got worse and I want it to not be worse.

4. Live For Myself
I've got a lot better at this, I've mostly stopped worrying about what other people think about me, but this is something I'd like to maintain and get even better at.

5. Pass my Driving Test
I've restarted my lessons with a new teacher and they're going really well. I'd like to pass my test before I go to university, which should be well within my reach.

6. Get Into University
And finally, I'd like to actually get into university please and thank you.