It's that time of year where we all make New Years resolutions and don't stick to them, so here are mine for the year of 2016.
1. Read 50 Books
Let's start with the reading goal, which is not technically a resolution. In 2015 I read 72 books, so I thought 50 was a reasonable goal for me to achieve. I'm hoping to read more than 50, but as I'm hopefully moving to university in September (fingers crossed), we'll see how much time I have after that.
2. Exercise More and Eat More Healthily
This is my main resolution, which it was last year as well, along with probably nearly every single other person. I'm getting a lot better at the healthy eating, I'm making a conscious effort to eat at least 3 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day, though that has gone slightly downhill over the Christmas holidays. I'm not good with the exercising thing, I don't enjoy it and mostly I can't be bothered. I'm well aware that I need to get fitter and to exercise more, and I'm really going to try hard at that this year.
3. Worry Less
My anxiety has got worse and I want it to not be worse.
4. Live For Myself
I've got a lot better at this, I've mostly stopped worrying about what other people think about me, but this is something I'd like to maintain and get even better at.
5. Pass my Driving Test
I've restarted my lessons with a new teacher and they're going really well. I'd like to pass my test before I go to university, which should be well within my reach.
6. Get Into University
And finally, I'd like to actually get into university please and thank you.
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