(Link to the Goodreads page here)
The AYearAThon happens for one week in each month of the year, making it 12 read-a-thons in total. Each read-a-thon has it's own theme, for example the theme for February is 'New Adult/Romance' and it is occurring right now (from the 8th-14th). To my knowledge, there is also a 'group read' every month, a book everyone participating is encouraged to read as part of the read-a-thon- like a book club book.
(Link to the Youtube channel here)
The BookTubeAThon is probably the most popular and well-know annual read-a-thon. There are two BookTubeAThons, the main one takes place in the summer months over the course of a week, where people are challenged to read seven books that all correspond with the set read-a-thon challenges, which are announced nearer to the time. For those with Youtube (or Booktube) channels, there are also daily video challenges that go along with this read-a-thon. The second BookTubeAThon is the Christmas BookTubeAThon which happens in December (duh). This one is seen as being much more relaxed, lasting only three or four days, and so reading less books that all still fit with a Christmas-themed challenge.
Bout of Books
(Link the the website here)
Bout of Books is a low-pressure, week-long read-a-thon that happens multiple times a year, where participants are encouraged to read more than they usually would in a typically week. There is no set theme or reading list for the Bout of Books, it's very much a do-you-own-thing, chilled read-a-thon.
TBR Takedown
The TBR Takedown is another read-a-thon that occurs multiple times throughout the year and, obviously, the aim is clear some of your TBR books. Unlike Bout of Books, the TBR Takedown has some reading challenges to go along with the read-a-thon, though these are optional. TBR Takedown has a Twitter account where they will announce the dates closer to the time.
Slay That Series Read-a-Thon
The Slay That Series read-a-thon is taking place from 13th March- 20th March and the aim is to either finish one or multiple series that you've already started or to read a whole series.
The Cram-a-Thon usually takes place in July and December. The aim of the read-a-thon is literally to cram and read as many books as possible in a short period of time. I believe that there are also some reading challenges that go along with it. The Cram-a-Thon has a Twitter account, and I believe they will be announcing the July dates some time in May.
Harry Potter Read-a-Thons
There are two main Harry Potter read-a-thons. The first is the Harry Potter Read-a-Thon and usually takes place around the end of July, to coincide with Harry's birthday. The second is HarryXmasToYou and, you guessed it, takes place in December. HarryXmasToYou takes place during the whole of December, rather than being only a week long, and also includes Watch-a-Thons, where you watch the Harry Potter films. The aim of these read-a-thons is obviously to read the Harry Potter books.
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