Just a quick little to note to say where I've been. I realise that I've been neglecting my blog since the end of April, but I've got two massive college deadlines tomorrow and next week and so I've been spending all my time working towards them. I have my last two deadlines in early June but after that I am free, free, free.
So here's my first ever contribution to 'top 5 wednesday', my interpretation of 'summer reads', the 5 books I am planning to read this summer.
1. 'The Hidden Oracle'- Rick Riordan
This book is on the way and I am so excited! I have to finish the Heroes of Olympus series first, which I should be able to do by the end of this month, and then it is all go with this one. I'm saving it for holiday because it's going to be quite a big hardback, so I can bring it on the plane with me. (Along those lines, I might also finally read Magnus Chase).
2. 'Shadow and Bone'- Leigh Bardugo
I've wanted to read this series for so long and it's currently 99p on Kindle so I've finally downloaded it. I'm saving this for holiday as it's just easier to bring Kindle books with you to save space when packing.
3. 'Shades of Doon'- Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon
I have this on Kindle for summer for the same reasons as Shadow and Bone. I secretly love the Doon series, it's my guilty pleasure, and this is just a nice, fluffy read for the summer.
4. 'A Court of Thorns and Roses'- Sarah J. Maas
I was undecided about reading this series, I go through fazes of really wanting to read it and not wanting to read it at all. With all the hype surrounding the second book, I'm in a mood where I really, really want to read it, and hopefully that is going to happen soon.
5. 'Sense and Sensibility'- Jane Austen
Every summer I read a Jane Austen book and this is going to be the summer of Sense and Sensibility.
Remember me?
Yay, Sense and Sensibility!