Wednesday, 21 December 2016


As sad as it sounds, the times when the Body Shop and Costa Christmas ranges are released is something I look forward to every year form about October onwards. Every year I do a post talking through the Body Shop's new Christmas products, and this year is no exception.

Every year the Body Shop release three Christmas scents- there's always one related to vanilla and one related to cranberry, and the third one changes each year. This year's scents are winners. There's vanilla chai, frosted berries and spiced apple. Unsurprisingly, spiced apple is my favourite.

Unlike the apple scent of two Christmas's ago, which was an incredibly juicy, sweet and mouth-watering scent, spiced apple has a much more dark and stereotypically festive smell- you can definitely smell the cinnamon and I love it. All three scents this year have a much darker scent compared to the usual fresh and bright scents the Body Shop release- they've not shied away from the spices this year and I can't say that I'm complaining. There's not all that much I can say about vanilla chai, it's a lovely, wintry, spicy vanilla, and you all know what vanilla chai smells like. This year, the Body Shop have taken a different turn on their usual cranberry (or occasionally frosted cranberry) scent. As the name frosted berries suggests, the regular old cranberry has turned into a berry medley and, though you can still smell a hint of cranberry, it is very much a festive mix of winter berries. As loyal as I am to the traditional cranberry scent each year, I'm really liking the change and, so far, all the Body Shop presents I've bought this year have been from the frosted berries range.

Wish List: (The products available this Christmas that I love the most)
-Shower gel
-Foaming bath
-Lip balm
-Scented candle
-'Rosie Monkey' bath sponge (I wonder if you can guess why...)
-Individual bath fizzers (especially eyeing up 'candied plum')

The Body Shop fanatic

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