Monday, 31 August 2015


I just wanted to write a quick paragraph here to mention that last Sunday, the 23rd of August, was two years since I posted my first blog post. I know there's not all that many people, but I am so grateful to everyone who clicks on and reads my blog. I enjoy writing it regardless of if anyone reads it or not and it's been a good two years. Thank you. I also redesigned my blog last week and I'm really happy with the way it looks, I think I'll eventually change it to be all white, but I'm happy for now.

I had a really good reading month in August, there were loads of things I wanted to read and in total I read 8 books this month. This means that I have read 46 books so far this year and I am 92% through my reading challenge. I am yet again thinking about increasing my goal for this year, I started with a goal of 30 books, which I increased to 50 books, and am now thinking about increasing it further to 60 or 70 books in 2015. It's been a good reading year. This month I also took part in the Bout of Books 14.0 read-a-thon over the 17th-23rd August, where I managed to finish one book, read two full books, and start another book. I am also currently on page 143 of 352 of 'Destined for Doon', the second book in the Doon series, which I am enjoying so far and am hoping to finish by tomorrow.

Books Read:

1. 'Blue Lily, Lily Blue'- Maggie Stiefvater 
Oh Maggie Stiefvater, you've done it again. I love this series. I love this series. I love this series. I love it so much, I love all the characters with every inch of my heart, it has one of my favourite groups of characters of all time. This has fast become one of my favourite series of all time and I'm waiting in agony for the fourth and final book coming out in early 2016. I thought this book was incredible, I didn't love it as much as I loved the second book but I thought the progression of the story was great, great, great. Also this book has the most beautiful front cover and spine that I have ever seen. And that is all I have to biasedly say on that.

2. 'Pride and Prejudice'- Jane Austen
It took me way to long to read this book, I started it years ago but I never got very far, and now I've done it. The TV series starring Colin Firth as Mr Darcy is one of my all-time favourites and I was surprised about how similar and almost identical it is to the book. Congrats BBC. I enjoyed this book though I did find it to be a very slow read, and as much as I hate to say it, it's not my favourite Jane Austen book, despite how much I love the TV series. Obviously you can't not love Pride and Prejudice, but the top spot is still held by my beloved 'Emma'.

3. 'The Invasion of the Tearling'- Erika Johansen 
I'm about to make a very brash statement here, but I think this may well be the best book of 2015 so far. It literally had no flaws. None at all. Everything about it was perfect and, despite the size and tiny font, I flew through it. I loved the first book though I did think it started off a little too slow, but this one was 1000% times better. As I've said, this is not only the best book I've read it 2015, but I think it's the best book published in 2015 as well. 11/10, I can't wait for the third and final book next year.

4. 'Amy and Roger's Epic Detour'- Morgan Matson
I was really in the mood for a road trip book after reading Paper Towns, so when this book was announced as Little Book Owl's 'Little Book Club' book, I jumped at the chance to join in and read it. Sadly, this book kind of disappointed me, I can't place exactly what it was, but I just didn't enjoy it as much as I thought it was. I thought it was a well written book, and I really liked the added extras of the playlists and scrap book things, but of the two Morgan Matson books I've read, I preferred 'Second Chance Summer' to this.

5. 'The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender'- Leslye Walton
Be prepared for some very controversial comments here. For some reason this book reminded me of the time I read 'Big Fish', I literally felt nothing towards either of those books. Absolutely nothing. I basically tolerated it enough to not to give up on it, but I didn't expressly like or dislike it. Until the main event of this book. Which really made me hate it. This book is so loved, so many people have commented on the beautiful writing and how it's like 'being wrapped in a warm blanket'. I really don't think we can have been reading the same book. I didn't see the beautiful writing, it didn't make me feel anything, and I really feel bad about bashing this book but I hated it. I'm sorry.

6. 'Stardust'- Neil Gaiman
I'm so upset to say this but I was so disappointed with this book. I absolutely love the film, it's one of my favourites, and I actually thought it was way better than the book. I'd wanted to read this for ages, but I just felt that nothing really happened. All the big action scenes in the film weren't in the book at all and the romantic relationship between the two main characters was so weird, there was literally nothing and suddenly a page later they were in love. I'm so upset that this book wasn't what I thought it was going to be.

7. 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe'- Benjamin Alire Saenz
Oh my heart. My heart, my heart, my heart. The ending was so perfect it hurts my little heart. This book was very hyped, and I really enjoyed it. Not all that much really happens, but in this case I didn't mind. At first I wasn't so sure, but I really grew to love the characters, and I loved seeing how they developed as people throughout the course of the novel. I really enjoyed the writing style and I'm interested in trying some more of his books. Overall I really enjoyed this book and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and happy inside.

8. 'The Kiss of Deception'- Mary E. Pearson 
I've been waiting for months to read this book, since February, but I was waiting for it to finally come out in paperback, and it did this month. I really, really enjoyed this book, but I didn't love it as much as I expected to. I really loved the mystery of not knowing which one was the assassin and which one was the prince, I liked that I got to make my own guesses about it, and I liked the fact that I'd actually guessed it wrong. I thought this book was a really good read, I enjoyed it a lot and I'm looking forward to continuing on with the story. (I'd also like to add here that I think I prefer Kaden to Rafe).

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