Monday, 17 August 2015


There is such a thing in the online book community (Booktube, bookbloggers, etc.) known as a 'Read-a-Thon'. The premise of said read-a-thon is that the participants try to read as many books as possible within a set time, usually a week. I've been interested in trying a read-a-thon for a few months now, so yesterday I decided to take part in the Bout of Books 14.0 that is occurring from 17/08/15-23/08/15. The Bout of Books website claims that it's a 'low pressure' read-a-thon, which suits me quite well for a first read-a-thon.

I've given myself a rough guide of what books I want to read, it's not a case of me wanting to read all of the books on the list, but more to give myself some options during the week. I am planning on finishing my current read, 'The Invasion of the Tearling', which I am currently 395 pages through out of 511 pages, plus one-and-a-half to two more books, depending on timing and how busy I am.

Bout of Books 14.0 TBR:
1. 'The Invasion of the Tearling'- Erika Johansen
2. 'Amy and Roger's Epic Detour'- Morgan Matson
3. 'The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender'- Leslye Walton
4. 'Stardust'- Neil Gaiman

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