Wednesday, 17 August 2016


I did my first 'Top 5 Wednesday' post a couple of months ago, but for the first time I am actually going to be doing more than one. I really liked the topics of the next three weeks, they're ones I really like hearing other people talk about, and this first one in particular is one that I've never really thought about properly myself. So, as the title of the post says, these are my top 5 favourite first sentences of books (in a kind of order of favourites).

'Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.'
('Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'- J.K. Rowling)

It's the start of it all and I get chills but at the same time feel all warm and comforted when I read it.

'Marriage is a word that tastes like metal-'
('Brazen'- Katerine Longshore)

I mean, come on, it's incredible. I knew I needed to read this book the minute I saw that first sentence, and it's a sentence that has stuck with me in the year and a half since I finished the book. Astounding opening line.

'I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.'
('I Capture the Castle'- Dodie Smith)

Like with 'Brazen', I knew I wanted to read this book the minute I saw that sentence. It's incredible and weird and so engaging. One of the very best.

'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.'
('Pride and Prejudice'- Jane Austen)

It's a classic. 

'Blue Sargent had forgotten how many times she'd been told that she would kill her true love.'
('The Raven Boys'- Maggie Stiefvater)

It's the entire series summarised in one opening sentence, but it hooks you immediately and practically forces you to read on.

This was hard


  1. I need to read these books. They all have great first sentences that make me want to read more! Great Top 5! :D My T5W! :D

    1. Thanks, I hope you enjoy, they're definitely some of my favourite books :)
