Tuesday, 30 August 2016


This title is a mouthful and a half, but I'm combining my 'top ten tuesday' and 'book debate' series to bring you my top ten overhyped books/series/authors that I believe deserve all the hype they get. (I'm excluding Harry Potter from this list because that one is a given). There are certain books and book series that everyone seems to have read and nearly everyone seems to have enjoyed. Recently, I have found myself not enjoying some of the books that people seem to love the most. The following list are some of the most overhyped books that I've read and agreed with the general consensus on; these are the overhyped books that I really enjoyed and I think are worthy of the vast amounts of praise they get.

1. 'The Book Thief'- Markus Zusak
Like everyone else, this is one of my favourite books. It was so clever and well written and I cried so hard during it. I do love a book that makes me cry.

2. 'The Hunger Games'- Suzanne Collins
I didn't read this when the film first came out and everyone else was reading it, because I was snobby and didn't want to be like the crowd. I am so original, I know. I then watched the film, fell in love with it, watched it three times in a row, and binge read the whole trilogy super quickly. Such a fantastic, classic dystopian trilogy.

3. The Raven Cycle- Maggie Stiefvater
Everyone loves this series, I love this series, and it's so, so, so deserving of all the praise it gets; one of my absolutely favourites and I am a tiny bit obsessed.

4. The Lunar Chronicles- Marissa Meyer
I had little interest in this series, and I hypocritically said I was never going to read it. I picked it up when 'Winter', the final book came out, purely because of how obsessed everyone was with it, and I was just suddenly really tempted to try it out. Ended up loving it, definitely worth all the praise.

5. 'Anna and the French Kiss'- Stephanie Perkins
Everyone loves Stephanie Perkis' 'Anna and the French Kiss' companion trilogy, and for good reason. The stories are so much fun, the characters are great and the romance is to die for. I was hesitant to read these books at first, as I wasn't sure I'd enjoy the plot, but I ended up absolutely loving them (especially 'Anna and the French Kiss') and now I kind of want to go to boarding school in Paris.

6. Morgan Matson
Morgan Matson is a well-loved, contemporary author and I've really enjoyed every single one of her books. They're the definition of a perfect summer read, and she deserves all the praise and hype she gets.

7. Sarah J. Maas
As with Morgan Matson, Sarah J. Maas is an incredibly popular author, and I've absolutely loved every single one of her books. She's such a strong writer and storyteller and her books leave you dying for the next one. I know she can only get better.

8. 'A Darker Shade a Magic'- V.E. Schwab
I started this when it first came out, but I found it a really slow read and I gave up at about 100 pages through. Fast forward a year to when the second book was coming out and, like with the Lunar Chronicles, everyone was obsessed and, again, I was suddenly tempted to give it another go. At the time, it was really cheap on Kindle, so I downloaded it and read it super quickly and fell in love. So deserving of the hype, I'm so excited for the next book.

9. Rick Riordan
Rick Riordan is a genius. He deserves all the praise he gets, not just for his great stories and fantastic characters, but also for the fact that his work is so accurate to the mythology and he's just so damn clever in the way he can seamlessly link it all into modern culture.

10. 'Fangirl'- Rainbow Rowell
'Fangirl' is the most popular book of a well-loved author for good reason. It's so relatable to so many people and it doesn't shy away from the honest fact that university can be really hard, and isn't all perfect and easy and fun. Very often, it's the books with the most relatable characters that are the most popular.


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